Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A new member and filming practice.

On Monday 2/22/2010, we have Karina as a new member to our group. Now we have four people in our group.

I have to tell her about the idea our group had decided to follow through on the film project.

It's kinda hard to repeat myself, especially about a lengthy summary of our idea. So I refer Karina to read my blog about our first meeting.

Later, Shawn gives us a project where we have to come up with an idea of strange occurrences to be interviewed by the other groups.

I probably should have thought of something funny to do to entertain others, but my mind was in serious mode, but I still enjoy the jokes that other classmates did.

Interview 01

Interview 02

Interview 03

Interview 04

I try my best to keep things moving but it is hard when it seems like the whole group depends on you since you are the one with the idea so they think that they can't or shouldn't give any input on other ideas they might have or at least able to expand and elaborate on the idea I had.

I believe that I have to figure out a way that my idea can relate to my group so that we can collaborate more easily. Otherwise I felt like I have to do everything when I know that's not true, but it just felt that way.

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